Papa Srapa
Papa Srapa (2021) movie poster

Papa Srapa — 2021 — 75 min

World premiere ArtDokFest, European premiere LUFF,  screened in France, Italy, USA, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, China, Serbia, Russia, Poland, Georgia, Montenegro.

Kinopoisk 7.9, IMDb 8.5,  youtube premiere coming soon to Schizoproletariat channel

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Screenings (38 total)

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The Movie

PAPA SRAPA is not a typical music documentary, but rather a condensed trip to the very heart of Noise. It is loaded with music that can hurt and heal, Russian weird avant-garde and savage vigor of its preeminent performer.

The film takes us to bizarre noise festivals and performances with ravers, tripsters and freaks immersing into worlds of sonic violence and ecstatic states of mind. Together with Papa we trace Noise back to 1920-s, binding it to early Soviet avant-garde figures, such as Dziga Vertov, Arseniy Avraamov and Nikolai Kulbin.

The craftsmаn should make his own tools - so Papa makes his of old Soviet radio components and cheap junk. We show it is not just about the way he plays them, using blood and saliva, but about the way he brings them to life. His weapons, known to the best part of Russian electronic musicians.

The Team
Konstantin Ivanov & Nikita Kabardin
Konstantin Ivanov
Nikita Kabardin

Cameraman Konstantin Ivanov and software developer Nikita Kabardin united to become a two-headed director. Driven to deeply research the avant-garde and underground culture, they called themselves Schizoproletariat.

Konstantin is based in Saint Petersburg and took filming duties in dozens of films in Russia.

Nikita is based in Paris and works in media and tech (clients including Warner Brothers/Discovery, Spotify and Battlefield).

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Film Credits

co-director, director of photography, editor

producer, co-director, trailer music

screenwriting and creating original idea

sound design and directing music

Camera Operators

Vasiliy Littebrandt

Maksim Drozdov

Anna Rozhetskaya

Sergey Murzik

Sound Recorders

Jannet Khovalyg

Alexander Nevsky


Alexander Grigoryev


Ilyas B Arinov

Nikita Kabardin

Jannet Khovalyg

Artem Leonov



Tala Nikitina

Igor Kislov

Mark Sharapov

Andrey Terekhov

Misha Dioxin

Voice Editors

Ivan Yerofeyev

Constantine Dorogobed

Trailer music mixing / mastering

Dmitriy "Astropilot" Redko

St-Petersburg Crew

Anastasia Martynova

Damir Khalilov

Vitaly Shvedchenko

Nikolay Letunovsky

Tatiana Lytasova

Fyodor Shpalikov

Tatiana Glazyrina

Sergey Kuznetsov

Movie Heroes

Eduard Srapionov

Mother of Eduard

Leonid Kotelnikov

Vlad Kreimer

Anatoly Rykh

Denis Tretyakov

Oleg Sitkovsky

Maxim Berezin

Tamara Ryazantseva

Valentin Sohorev

Tala Nikitina

Oleg Bezlutsky

Vera Barkalova

Additional video material

IZOLYATSIA. Platform for cultural initiatives

Anton Likhachev

Aleksey Gurevnin

Alex Anikin

Ilia Symphocat

George Obukhov

Mitya Posidelov

Pavel Voloshin

Anton Rodionov


Boris Tkachenko

Amurskaya Pravda

Museum Berardo

Simphonic Silence Inside

Poster Artist

Alex Ricochet


Tatiana Lytasova

Ekaterina Krupina


Oleg Pospelov

Anastasia Mew

Software Development

Anton Kuptsov

Special Thanks

Gallery GEZ-21

Evgeniy BioSonar

Yuri Elik

Andrey Popovsky

Balkon Space

Gorizontal Co-op

Artyom Kryptogen

Gleb Glonti

Maksim Ivanov

Andrey Paperniy